Reunion Information
May 22-26, 2016
Registration is Now Open!
The 50th Reunion Registration Guide (with full schedule and reunion info) and the Registration Form have been mailed to all classmates.
For a .pdf version of the Guide, click here.
For .pdf copy of the Form, click here.
For online registration, click here. To register online, you'll need a Harvard Key (see below).
Reunion Housing
The most frequent questions we get are about where to stay for the reunion. Since the 50th is during Commencement Week, most hotel rooms have been blocked by Harvard and other organizations
for a long time. If available, the rates quoted are astrnomical.
A majority of classmates will choose to stay in the Houses for the reunion. While not as luxurious as a hotel, the Houses will serve the purpose and are much less expensive. The room charge will be $95 per person for the first night, $65 for the second night and $50 per person for additional nights.
For a .pdf version of the Guide, click here.
For .pdf copy of the Form, click here.
For online registration, click here. To register online, you'll need a Harvard Key (see below).
Reunion Housing
The most frequent questions we get are about where to stay for the reunion. Since the 50th is during Commencement Week, most hotel rooms have been blocked by Harvard and other organizations
for a long time. If available, the rates quoted are astrnomical.

Most of us will stay in our headquarters House – the newly renovated Dunster – where many of our activities will be centered. The photo here is of a ground floor lounge area.
But, you may choose to stay in your old House or another House if you have special needs. For a Harvard Magazine article on the Dunster renovation (with photos), click here.
Special housing needs and requests can be made on the online or paper registration forms or by e-mail or phone. There is a team of staff and students at the HAA to help. Email or call 617-496-7001, Monday-Friday, 9-5 ET with your requests/questions.
Many classmates have taken advantage of the room block we secured at the

for the 45th reunion and is right at the Kendall Square stop on the Red Line (2 stops to Harvard Square).
As of March 15, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights are sold out for our group rate. Wednesday and Thursday nights are still available. The rate will be $299 per night for a standard room plus applicable local and state taxes. Reservations can be made at (617) 494-6600 or (800) 228-9290; request the “Harvard and Radcliffe Spring 2016 Reunions” group rate. Rate is valid until block is filled or with reservations received by Monday, May 2, 2016, whichever comes first. Boston Marriott Cambridge, 50 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142.
As of March 15, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights are sold out for our group rate. Wednesday and Thursday nights are still available. The rate will be $299 per night for a standard room plus applicable local and state taxes. Reservations can be made at (617) 494-6600 or (800) 228-9290; request the “Harvard and Radcliffe Spring 2016 Reunions” group rate. Rate is valid until block is filled or with reservations received by Monday, May 2, 2016, whichever comes first. Boston Marriott Cambridge, 50 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142.
Online Registration / Alumni Website / Harvard Key
If you'd like the convenience of online reunion registration and access to the alumni directory and other benefits of the new website, you'll need a new Harvard Key
(new user name and password to access all Harvard protected sites). Go to and click on "Alumni Login or Register" in the upper right corner. Since there's a high level of security, it may take you a few tries to register a new password, but keep at it. You only have to do ths once – and it will be worth it for the future.
If you'd like the convenience of online reunion registration and access to the alumni directory and other benefits of the new website, you'll need a new Harvard Key
(new user name and password to access all Harvard protected sites). Go to and click on "Alumni Login or Register" in the upper right corner. Since there's a high level of security, it may take you a few tries to register a new password, but keep at it. You only have to do ths once – and it will be worth it for the future.
Have a question about our reunion? E-mail or if it's a Harvard question, contact Serghino René at 617-496-7001 or