Harvard Hillel Events
We are delighted to invite the Reunion for the classes of 1966, 1961,1956, 1951, and 1946 to the following at Harvard Hillel:
- Harvard Hillel is back with its Seniors and Seniors brunch on Wednesday, May 25th. Bagels for classes 1966 and earlier as well as for all graduating seniors. Stop in for a shmear and a schmooze before heading off for your class photo. Here is the link to sign up:http://tinyurl.com/HarvardSeniorsBrunch
- Harvard Hillel is putting on a festive, crimson and white tablecloth Shabbat dinner for alumni and their families on Friday night, May 27th. Shmooze with friends while you enjoy Friday night like you used to. Here is the link to sign up: http://guestli.st/414102