55th Reunion Class Gift


55th Reunion Class Gift Campaign Progress

As of June 9, 2021


Dollar/Pledge Total:  $13,730,000

Goal: $13,500,000

Number of Donors: 564 (46.5% Participation)

Our goal:  50%


Make a gift online:





55th Reunion Gift
Committee Co-Chairs
left to right: John French (ID), Jeff Tarr (NY),
Mike Holland (CT)
not pictured: Participation Chair Bobby Clark (MA)
Vice Chairs
Max Factor III (CA)
Dave Keidan (NY)
Leadership Gift Chairs
John DePodesta (VA)
Dick Rippe (NY)
Ron Rolfe (NY
Leadership Members
Richard Gutman (TX
Stephen Myers (OH)
Participation Members
Dinny Adams (NY)
Sandy Ungar (DC)
John Harvard Society Chair
Fred Lowenfels (NY)

To Make a Gift

our College Fund class gift officer contacts are:
Krisela Millios, Harvard College Fund Class Office
C: 781-244-4675 | kirsela_millios@harvard.edu
Lauren Weeks, Harvard College Fund Staff Assistanc
P: 617-495-8137 | lauren_weeks@harvard.edu